Diet Doctors Medical Center since 1984
Canyon Country, CA
Lost 77 lbs

My Story:
After my son was born I gained a lot of weight. I tried many different diets, but kept gaining more weight. Then a friend recommended Diet Doctors Medical to me and the positive results I saw within a short time motivated me to continue with their program.
My experience with Diet Doctors and their staff:
The staff at Diet Doctors is very knowledgeable and I feel confident in their care. They monitor my progress closely and whenever I have doubts about reaching my goal weight they offer motivational and professional insights that encourage me to keep going.
What motivated me to lose weight?
The extra weight was affecting my health, and with approximately 80 lbs overweight, it was time to take action.
What were/are my biggest challenges?
I would think of my challenges as my motivators: Knowing that I had to lose 80 lbs for the sake of my health; And that I wanted to reach my normal weight so I could fit into my favorite clothes again.
Special tip(s) I would like to share:
It is very important that the decision to lose weight is your own and not someone else wanting you to lose weight. You are doing this for yourself, not for anyone else! Anything is possible with determination and consistency!