Diet Doctors Medical Center since 1984
Northridge, CA
Lost 80 lbs

My Story:
I struggled with my weight for years, and had tried almost every crash diet. Any weight I would lose would eventually come back. In 2010, at 209 lbs, I got pregnant and gained an additional 47 lbs. Six months later, I had barely lost any of that additional weight. I felt out of control and knew, I had to make a change.
I went to Diet Doctors and started my medically-supervised weight loss program. I cut back on my portion sizes and began walking 5 days a week. The medication really helped me control my appetite and I had the energy to start adding more exercise as the weeks passed. To date I have lost 80 lbs and I feel great! I have more energy to do the things I want to do and keep up with my toddler!
Many thanks to Diet Doctors for their guidance I needed to reach this goal.
My experience with Diet Doctors and their staff:
The Diet Doctors staff, their nutritionist and physicians provided me with the nutritional advice and support I needed to succeed.
What motivated me to lose weight?
Having more energy to do the things I want to do, and keeping up with my toddler.
What were/are my biggest challenges?
Special tip(s) I would like to share:
I learned, how to lose weight the right way, at my own pace, without any crash or fad dieting involved, which I truly believe is key.